January 2, 2011

Night Of The Demons (Remake)

I recently watched the current remake of the B movie 'classic' Night of the Demons via Netflix's s online streaming feature. Going into it I didn't expect anything special, perhaps some good gore-hound effects and a cheap escape for an hour and a half.

The premise of the movie is that a Halloween party/rave is held at an old mansion that is the scene of a possession/suicide that happened many years ago. As is usually the case those darn meddling kids (this time a drug dealer, a trio of over sexed bimbos and your stereotypical straight laced girl next door type) invoke the 7 demons in the basement. The kiddies spend the night trying not to get possessed via kinky sex acts and hope to make it until dawn. If the 7 demons possess the 7 kiddies then all Hell breaks loose. Clearly, this was written by a Pulitizer Prize nominee.

Overall the movie did not disappoint in terms of gore - although it takes a bit to get to it when it appears on screen it is surprisingly well done. Not on the level of Stan Winston's Studio, but at least it was better then your typical low grade slop. Acting wise it was surprisingly better then most B movies. No Oscar considerations here, but at least the actors stayed in character and weren't too annoying.

The movie also fulfills the prerequisite of copious amounts of half naked women and the token lesbian scene - which is expected when Shannon Elizabeth is in it. Although after the 'whiskers' scene in the bathroom you'll never look at a woman or a tube of lipstick in the same way...

Whether it was intentional or not there are some hilarious one liners in the movie. There's also a scene where the 'girl next door' slams the door on the head demon while it is in the middle of its stereotypical villain diatribe. There are a few scenes that are rather clever in terms of how the demons get into a warded room that main characters are hiding in. I think that if the movie amped up the cleverness and humor in a few scenes it would've made for a better experience.

The thing that kills this movie is the way that the conflict with the demons is resolved. It's a rather half assed ending in terms of both the writing and the way it was filmed as well as the stunt/special effects. I think that they should really be given an award for pulling off this hat trick of half ass-ness. I suppose they were trying to be clever but writing a script and huffing paint never works out well in the end.

So, if you like boobs, blood, and crappy music like Type O Negative you'll like this movie. If you like all those things but have a brain that grasps plot and logic you'll probably wonder what the fuck just happened but at least it'll be mildly amusing. Like a beer truck and a pizza truck hitting head on the highway.

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